Some clients with expired consent can receive services
Lindsey Gradeen
Users are able to admit someone to shelter who has and expired consent. But when they go to discharge the client THEN HIFIS alerts the user that the consent is expired, and they are unable to discharge the individual without completing a new consent (note: the consent didn't expire while the person was admitted to shelter, it had expired months prior). Sometimes the user is alerted when an individuals consent has expired upon admission so it's not an all the time thing.
Ali Ryder
Sherri: "I recently found 2 files that staff have added an admission without a consent. It appears that the staff choose to "book in Family" which allowed the 2 family members without consent to have an admission. I am able to replicate the issue in our version 59.6.4. I have tried it in the demo site and it did not allow the admission so hopefully it was a fix. thought I would pass along in case this issue was similar to what anyone else had experienced."
Ali Ryder
Ryan: "We are also on and have similar issues when accessing the Admissions, Calls & Visits Log or Turnaways modules from the Front Desk Menu.
Consent length did not have any impact the ability to do this as we were able to book in a client that had valid consent for only 1 day in February 2023.
When attempting these same actions from the Client Vitals > Client Management menu, a pop-up indicating the client does not have an active consent is shown."
Ali Ryder
Also from Lindsey: "We're using version and I have discovered this week that our users are able to admit people to shelter, document turnaways, add a call and visit log, and add people to group activities when the consent has expired. aka inactive consent status."