We are currently testing version I’m having a problem with saving changes to user accounts.
The steps I took:
  1. Administration menu > Users
  2. Go to an existing user (Active or Inactive), click User Account (under Action).
  3. Replace Service Providers currently connected to user account with other Service Providers (and make Default one of the new Service Providers)
  4. The green ‘Data Saved’ pop-up doesn’t come up but the page appears to have stopped loading and then the Rights tab still contains the old list of Service Providers to add rights templates to (it didn’t update based on the information that was changed in the User Profile tab).
Unfortunately, it doesn’t happen every time. But in trying different things, I can’t find a trend.
Sometimes it simply works, shows ‘Data Saved’ and everything is as it should be.
And some of the time, the error in the below screenshot appears. When I hit OK, it pushes through and the data are saved.
Created by Ali Ryder