In Version and 4.0. 60.1 users are no longer able to manually select the actual bed/room that clients. The decision making process that HIFIS now uses is resulting in the wrong bed/room/ location being chosen which is not accurate and is impacting our statistics and the shelters understanding of where specific clients have been over the course of weeks/months.
Support Desk as informed us that:
"Removing the bed name from the historical stays was a strategic move on the developers side. The Change was made because it was causing other issues for users being unable to create historical stays if a client was already booked in, causing them to have to be booked out in order to create a historical stay.
HIFIS will choose a bed based on the following criteria:
1. Does the SP have active beds over the stay's entire date range?
if no, return error stating no beds exist
2. if beds exist for the whole historical stay period...
Does Client have other stays?
Pick the bed they used closest to these dates, if available
  1. If no recent stays or recent bed is unavailable...
Get list of available beds for the date range chosen
if no beds were available over date range...
Get list of all beds that existed for date range, even if already booked
Force double booking.