Minor Release
Release highlights
User cloning:
New user accounts can be created based on a similar user already in HIFISConsent:
Declined consent can be applied again once it expires7 minor changes and 17 bug fixes
New features and major changes
No new features and major changes introduced as part of this release.
Minor changes
Changes in this release affect the following modules or sections:
Clients Vitals
- Added sorting function on the client vital history page.
Coordinated access
- The Unique Identifier List now ignores the “Unknown” housing status when calculating if a client is in their first episode of homelessness.
- Added delete function to remove clients from a family.
Housing Placement
- Securing housing and moving into housing now changes the client state to “Active”
- Users can now edit the housing secured date as well as the move in date for a housing placement
- Added “Expiry Date” field for identifications.
- Added a cloning feature in the Users module. HIFIS copies the following fields over when cloning the new user: Service Providers, Default Service Provider, Report Categories, Roles, User Rights
Bug fixes
Changes in this release affect the following modules or sections:
- Fixed conflicts not appearing on the aggressor’s profile.
- Users can now add another declined-anonymous consent record to a client’s file. Note: The declined consent can only be re-applied to client records that have never accepted the explicit consent or inherited consent
- Coordinated Access consent is now available right after client creation
Coordinated Access
- The “Days in lifetime” column now counts shelter stays for clients that have a housing status of “transitional”.
Health Information
- Fixed delete diet right; delete action now available for dietary requirements.
Housing History
- Follow-ups tab now displays follow-up dates for housing loss prevention records as well.
Housing Loss Prevention
- Fixed filter on the housing loss prevention list. Users can now filter based on status and time range.
Housing Placement
- First scheduled follow up date now calculates based on the “Date Moved In” instead of the actual date.
- The attachment field is no longer available when disabled in the Service Provider settings.
Look-up Tables
- Fixed custom “Case State” values not allowing users to enter an end date to case management records.
Medication Dispensing
- Fixed “Dispensed by” field; users can now select their name when dispending medication
- Medication can now be dispensed on the day the client was booked in
PiT Count
- Fixed response disappearing when returning to an old question when using the paging survey
- Additional validation added to remove duplicate custom responses
- Fixed action buttons appearing for users that do not have the appropriate rights
- Fixed the "City (Last Known)" column in the Unique Identifier List report. Report now pulls data from the city of the current service provider or the most recent housing history record.
Various Factors
- Fixed “content failed to load” error when trying to display a “life event record”.